Roof Verge Definition
The sides of the tiles down the verge were traditionally cemented nowadays closing strips are available.
Roof verge definition. Decorative boarding also called bargeboard along a projecting roof eave it is often carved or scrolled and is highly ornamental. A clay tile roof with a small verge overhang. Dry fix options for verges are also available from a number of manufacturers. Verge synonyms verge pronunciation verge translation english dictionary definition of verge.
A strip of turf bordering a walk or roadway. The edge of a pitched roof as it meets the gable end is called a verge. Originally this victorian wood trim also called vergeboard or verge board verge being the end or edge of a thing was used to hide the ends of rafters. With wood shingles or shakes this is the thicker end.
Timber sometimes decorative plastic material placed at the verge of a roof. To operate on the verge of fraud. The roof itself goes over the wall and any part that is in line or overhangs the outside face of the wall in known as the verge. Also known as bargeboard.
The edge of a gable roof at the gable wall. In profile the framing of a conventional pitched roof forms a triangle. An outer margin of an object or structural part. Bargeboard is exterior house trim usually ornately carved that is attached along the roof line of a gable.
Verge definition is brink threshold. A limiting belt strip or border of something. The verge of a desert. Panels formed of clear glass with color glass laminated to one side and used as a wall veneer.
Verge definition the edge rim or margin of something. Roof verge requiring rebedding. The exposed end of a shingle. An edge or margin.
Architecture the edge of the tiling that projects over a roof gable. The edge or margin of something. Tiles on the verge are often mortared to prevent rain and wind from getting underneath the tiles. The butt of a shingle is the end that faces down roof.
Sometimes flush with the wall and often has an overhang. See synonyms at border. The sides of the tiles down the verge were traditionally cemented nowadays closing strips are available. How to use verge in a sentence.
Something that borders limits or bounds. Mirrored pairs of rafters meet at a ridge and are connected across the base by a ceiling joist.